2020 Models of Justice Nominee Acceptance Agreement

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at the Ohio Statehouse

Nomination Deadline is March 27th

The “Models of Justice” award ceremony honors survivors, advocates, criminal justice officials, and community partners who have worked diligently to protect, enforce, and advance crime victims’ rights.

Nominee Agreement

If this nominee is chosen for consideration—

Due to the nature of the awards, background checks are required. This information is needed to assist OCVJC in making a determination of suitability or eligibility. Furnishing this information is voluntary; however, if a nominee chooses not to provide it, the refusal may result in a determination of ineligibility to receive a Models of Justice Award. If it is brought to our attention that a nominee is a subject of allegations, police reports, charges, or convictions of criminal offenses, such may render a nominee ineligible for an award.

If chosen for an award, you agree to—

  • Participate in the Models of Justice Awards Ceremony on May 21, 2020.

  • Provide a high quality headshot (PNG or JPEG)

  • The general use by the media and posting to OCVJC social media or print publications of photographic images, digital images, videos, other media material, and sound recordings.

  • The public dissemination of biographical information, including award-related personal and/or professional stories.

Do not submit confidential information in this form. Submitting this form does not create an attorney-client relationship with OCVJC or any OCVJC attorney. The information you submit in this form is not covered by attorney-client privilege or VOCA confidentiality. OCVJC may share this information with anyone for any reason.

If you need legal assistance, do not fill out this form, please fill out our intake form..