2019 Models of Justice Nomination Form
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center
Date: Sunday, May 19, 2019
Time: Reception/Live Music 5-6 pm Awards Dinner 6-8 pm
Nomination Deadline is april 5th
The “Model of Justice” Awards were created to honor and celebrate criminal justice system officials, advocates, survivors, other service providers, and community members who have worked diligently to ensure the rights of crime victims are protected and enforced throughout the criminal justice process.
Nomination Guidelines
Each submission must include full name, email address, and phone number of both nominator and nominee. If nominating an organization, program, or team, please provide the above requirements for the individual(s) who would accept the award.
A headshot of nominee must be provided to ModelsOfJustice@ocvjc.org after the form is submitted.
You may nominate one or more candidates.
Nominee must serve, or have served, Ohio crime victims at the state or federal level.
Candidates nominated, but not selected, in previous years are eligible for consideration. But, previous award recipients are not eligible for subsequent awards.
Write clearly, directly, and include pertinent details without including extraneous or unrelated information.
Ensure that all information submitted is accurate.
If your nominee is chosen, OCVJC will contact each of you with the next steps for the award process.