

Victims’ Rights Ambassadors (ViRA) is the name we encourage ambassadors to register their school under. The unification of our program is important to us and the students who are assisting with this program.

Just starting a program on your campus?

Recruit a dedicated ambassador board

  • At least 4 student leaders, or campus requirement minimum

  • At least one student leader must be an underclassman 

  • Staff/Faculty advisor, if registering group

  • Appoint a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer

  • Meet monthly; may occur before or after ambassador meetings or other designated time

Complete initial group tasks

  • Finish school specific handbook (template)

  • Design welcome packet for new members (template)

Establish campus specific mission and goals

  • Identify the gaps between what other groups provide and where this ambassador group can assist

  • Ensure alignment with OCVJC mission

  • Ensure campus group requirements are met

  • Document progress towards goals, or modification of goals, on per term basis

Meet monthly, at minimum

  • Create agendas, keep minutes, and review budget

  • Ensure campus group requirements are met

  • Identify campus events, fairs, and other group participation opportunities 

  • Plan events, programs, and campus initiatives

  • Invite a supporting criminal justice professional to speak once per semester

New student to an existing program?

  • Clear a background check

  • Sign a confidentiality agreement

  • Know the ambassador program's and OCVJC's mission, policies, programs, and faithfully read and understand the ambassador program's financial statements

  • Follow the ambassador program's bylaws, policies, and board resolutions

  • Sign an annual conflict-of-interest disclosure and update it during the year if necessary, as well as disclose potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings

  • Cultivate knowledge of your campus resources, victims’ rights, and OCVJC

  • Serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the ambassador program and fully engage in identifying and securing the financial resources and partnerships necessary for the ambassador program to advance its mission

  • Leverage connections, networks, and resources to develop collective action to fully achieve its mission

    • Seek out those with similar goals and dedication to the cause

    • Connect with and share information with everyone you can such as victims, students, professors, professionals, and other campus staff

  • Help identify personal connections that can benefit the ambassador program's fundraising and awareness campaigns

  • Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in meetings

    • Attend at least one meeting per month

    • Meetings can also be attended via online video chat, but at least one meeting per semester must be attended in person

  • Participate fully in one or more committees

  • Organize and participate in outreach and fundraising events with authenticity and enthusiasm

  • Research and provide appropriate referrals to victims

  • Familiarize yourself with and refer victims to the Victim’s Rights Toolkit (victimsrightstoolkit.org). This is an online self-help resource that allows crime victims to learn and exercise their rights

  • Maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of the ambassador program and OCVJC indefinitely