Welcome Cougars!!
Thank you for being part of such an amazing cause. Victims have been just evidence in a case for too long. The Ambassador Program for OCVJC will be #VictimsRightsAmbassadors or #ViRA! This program will support victims and provide them with resources to assist them throughout the criminal justice process. Ambassadors will hold meeting, create fundraisers, and plan outreach events on campus. The fundraising events will benefit victims on campuses, the ambassador program’s necessities, help buy swag for outreach events, and give back to Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center (OCVJC). OCVJC is the only free legal services organization in the entire state of Ohio. We are very excited to bring understanding of the criminal justice process to victims on our campus.
Ambassador Meetings
Outreach Events
Hello, my name is Jaimee Soummers. I am a student at CSCC pursuing a degree in criminal justice with aspirations to become a juvenile probation officer. I chose OCVJC because crime victims are unrepresented and few professionals are properly versed in victims rights. I enjoy giving back to my community and helping those in need by volunteering at my local library, soup kitchen, and nursing homes. Being an OCVJC campus ambassador has been enlightening and rewarding. I am very excited to share my knowledge and advocate for victims on CSCC’s campus!
Vice President
Currently Recruiting
Currently Recruiting
Currently Recruiting